Unwanted Advances
- Deal with Xardorok Sunblight for Grandolpha Muzgardt
- King and Sam go and investigate the forge room
- Xardorok Sunblight is down there crazy and yelling
- Like 9 guards
- 2 Servants
- Large door to throne room
- Talk about going into the throne room with Zaas disguised as Grandolpha Muzgardt and Zari and Sulk in busted manicles and King and Sam still invisible
- Get to the throne room, argue with the guards about going and seeing Xardorok Sunblight alone
- Zaas slugs Sulk in a show of strength and his lack of danger, this does not go well
- Kill guards
- Explode into forge room
- Smoke screened archers with Ring of Obscuring Fog Cloud
- Kill Xardorok Sunblight
202403031202- Revolucion! <--> 202404141524 - Drydock!